Friday, June 27, 2008

Weatherstuds Revealed

At long last we have our first images of two of our weatherstuds!! Will the other weatherstuds please come forward!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Clear evidence of Global Warming on the East Coast

I see where K-Free doesn't believe in Global Warming. We may have to kick him off the island, since the evidence is so overwhelming.

I have seen two critical pieces of evidence in DC this week.

1) It is really, really hot. What else could it be, but Global Warming

2) There were DOZENS of new books at the Barnes and Nobles, AND the Borders on Global Warming, and how it is all our faults and we should feel really guilty, and probably go to Confession.

Please reduce you Carbon Footprint, and get yourself to Confession soon.


Friday, June 6, 2008


Let's get off the Global Warming band-wagon, if only because there is NO EVIDENCE of such a thing.

However, let's stick to the facts, and admit that there seems to be enhanced storminess of record proportions in many parts of the world. I propose we hypothesize that there is at least some evidence of unusual levels of record-setting storms, aka the winter storm in China this year, the specific type/location of the Burma Cyclone (Nargis), and the record-setting number of killer tornadoes this year.

The problem isn't Global Warming, but it may be Global Storming. Let's start printing the t-shirts now!


Sunday, June 1, 2008


The GFS, Canadian and NOGAPS models show a tropical system in the Gulf by the end of the week. Most of them point to a system developing off the tip of Florida - and the steering currents would send most systems towards the Central Gulf Coast (which happened to be the name of the now defunct Central Gulf Coast Chapter of the AMS).

Weather Geeks - Start your engines. What say ye?

Buoy Boy