Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Amazing Dust Storm Off the Nile Delta

This amazing dust-storm has an eye-like feature, with it's own internal weather pattern and clouds in the middle. - HLG


The Weathergeeks said...

Let's write another paper for the Monthly Weather Review! C'mon - back to the good old days - instead of the ground-breaking "Arc Shaped Cloud Over a Warm Oceanographic Eddy" we can title this one "Circle Shaped Cloud Over Something Evil That Israel Has Produced To Keep Flotilla Out Of Waters"


HLG said...

Well, I think it is an amazing image, and have never seen an eye in a dust storm, with it's own cumulus clouds! I would be happy to publish it as a "follow-up" to the Meddy off Crete, which was a major discovery! - HLG