Thursday, January 15, 2009

Coldest Weather in Nearly a Decade in Midwest!

Put that in your global-warming pipe and smoke it!

What in the name of Uncle Al is going on!!! Is this something the Russians are up to to drive up natural gas prices?? I will PAY ANYTHING!!!

Have a nice day, and hopefully you don't lose any extremeties in the Global Warming Catastrophe!!


1 comment:

The Weathergeeks said...

From the Real Climate website:

"... the last few weeks have brought a series of embarrassing non-stories on 'global cooling' based it seems on a few cold snaps this winter, the fact that we are at a solar minimum and a regurgitation of 1970s vintage interpretations of Milankovitch theory (via Pravda of all places!). Combine that with a few hysterical (in both senses) non-scientists as talking heads and you end up with a repeat of the nonsensical 'Cooling world' media stories that were misleading in the 1970s and are just as misleading now. "

Interesting comments.