Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Latest Navy MCSST Clearly Shows Oil Spill Cooling Entire Northern Gulf of Mexico Littoral Zone

Thus will surpress hurricane activity throughout the season.... - HLG

1 comment:

Tracy said...

This from Mike, a friend and fan of Weather Studs and Babe

"As he crossed the Atlantic in the summer of 1757, Benjamin Franklin noticed something about the other ships in the convoy. Most roiled the water with large wakes. One day, however, the ocean behind two of them was oddly tranquil. Ever inquisitive, he asked about the phenomenon. ‘The cooks’, he was told, ‘have been emptying their greasy water through the scuppers, which has greased the sides of those ships.”

“The explanation did not satisfy Franklin. Instead, he recalled reading about how Pliny the Elder, the first-century Roman senator and scientist, had calmed agitated water by pouring oil on it. In the ensuing years, Franklin would engage in a variety of oil-and-water experiments, and he even devised a parlor trick where he stilled waves by touching them with a cane that contained a hidden cruet of oil.”

James is right, Benjamin Franklin was right and Pliny the Elder was right. LOL. But this is do you deal with the devil you know “hurricanes”, or the devil you don’t “ecological damage from large oil spills.”
