Friday, July 2, 2010

FWSAAB's New Pricing Structure

Dear Loyal FWSAAB Readers,

Due to the economy and higher levels of forecasting effort caused by global warming - FWSAAB Inc. is announcing a new forecast pricing structure.  This gives us a great opportunity to match our reader's income level with our forecasting accuracy.  Unlike some other "so called" pay-for-forecast weather services, FWSAAB will tell you how accurate the forecast will be - based on the price you are willing to pay.

New Pricing Structure

         Cost                 Forecast Accuracy
$100 per month                     50%
$250 per month                     55%
$500 per month                     75%

During Tropical Season          Landfall Accuracy
$1000 per month                24 hr - 50 nm, 48 hr - 100 nm, 72 hr - 150 nm

Compare our prices - and our accuracies - and you will agree:

FWSAAB - It's not just an unpronounceable acronym, it is a joke.

FWSAAB Business Department


HLG said...

How much for just the funny forecasts?

1) Mildly humrous
2) Outrageousy hilarious
3) Outrageously hilarious with cartoon graphics

The Weathergeeks said...

That is on our "Free and Open" website because they aren't very funny and we don't produce our own graphics.

I forgot to add - forecasts from the Babe costs much, much more....


HLG said...

Using the exposed midrif as a blue-screen to project the forecast graphics we don't produce?

I meant to use old Dilbert cartoons for the "graphics". Everyone does maps!

The Weathergeeks said...

Ok - I would pay to see that...


Tracy said...

I could offer more than a belly shot forecast if the price is right.... Oh, did I say that out loud??? %&#(#** now everyone knows

gg - aka the babe