Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Today I was "admiring" Nicole's outfit - and thrilled that she was back at a normal hour (11:00 am CST) so I could "admire" her.  Finally - TWC made a good decision.  I decided to brag that I could watch Nicole, so I called Klingfree.  He ignored my call and let the phone go to his "secretary."  So I decided to e-mail him about Nicole.

Then Klingfree promptly e-mailed me back (I knew he was in his office, his secretary said he was "busy with a client." whatever that means).  His disturbing news - Nicole is forced off the air after December.

This is wrong, ludicrous, stupid and disgusting.  A decision like this would never happen at FWSAAB Studios.

So, Nicole, if those boneheads at TWC want to ruin an already pathetic cable channel - let them.  We would love to have you work at FWSAAB full time.  In fact, we will give you your own channel - Nicole Mitchell - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Similar to Howard Stern's agreement with Sirius.

FSWAAB - Not just a name but a group of guys devoted to Nicole's well-being and future.


1 comment:

HLG said...

Where do we get the 400 million they paid to Stern? Surely that would get her attention!