Tuesday, March 15, 2011

IAEA and "No-fly" Zones

Apparently the IAEA has the power (and balls?) to issue no-fly zones, but the EU, NATO, and the USA don't have the same for the Libyan Murdere Qaddafi! - HLG

Nuclear Officials May Spray Japanese Power Plant With Water by Helicopter
Published March 15, 2011

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March 15: People carry heat blankets as they leave a radiation emergency scanning center in the raun in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, four days after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country's northeastern coast.
Nuclear officials say they may seek U.S. and Japanese military help to spray water from helicopters into an overheating spent fuel storage pool at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant.
Tokyo Electric Power says it may use helicopters because of the risk of radiation contamination from approaching the pool directly. Air drops may also be more effective.
The International Atomic Energy Agency says a 19-mile no-fly zone has been placed around the troubled plant.

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