Monday, May 26, 2008


This link shows pictures of more weather babes.... take a look:

Interestingly enough - Kristina has a link and new photos.

I also urge you to read - where Al gives an insightful rebuttal to Hot Lava's latest global warming rants.

I also urge you to reduce your carbon footprint. For the children.



The Weathergeeks said...

Very nice of the WC to post their own weather-babe site.

It is hard to say that from the same post that refers to, but you have to take the good with the bad.

The Weathergeeks said...

OK, I've finally made it to the site and can't resist to make a post (1st time poster). It's hard for me to believe that there is somebody out there in sadder shape than I. It's bad enough that I scan 4 channels in the morning to get my fix of HOT weather, traffic, and news anchors, but this guy must have it bad too. I mean seriously, screen grabs of weather channel babes ... that's scraping the bottom of the barrel. Although I must say, the fade in to close up of Nicole Mitchell is a nice touch.

Wait, scanning 4 channels in the ... no I definitely have it worse than this guy.

Klingfree (Is that my handle???)

Let's see what else I can find out here to comment on.