Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sub-Polar Storm "LARRY"

I think that in honor of the Larestar's outstanding forecast of this strong winter storm we should categorize this event.

Thus, I propose this storm as a sub-polar storm, since it obviously DID NOT originate in the polar regions, but it's cyclogenesis is along a polar air-mass which has intruded into the tropics in the latest manifestation of the on-coming Ice Age.

So, please take a look at Sub-Polar Storm (01-2008) "LARRY"



WeatherWorks by Joe said...

The storm that never happened. East Mississippi was in the 4 inch footprint, schools were closed, meetings changed, ballgames cancelled...

It never happen. I saw zip, zero, none, not the first snowflake.

The Weathergeeks said...

Well Joe, It snowed at my house in Harrison County right next to the bay. Nothing stuck but it was beautiful! :-) gg