Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Father of All Storms"

If "Gustav" was the Mother-of-all-Storms, it certainly appears the "Ike" may become the Father-of-all-Storms. Maybe NOLA should evacuate just because? What does Ray say???

Last Cat-4 landfall in mainland US was Hurricane Andrews, in 1992? When was the last in Texas???



WeatherWorks by Joe said...

I'm showing Houston has not been hit by a major storm since 1949 I went as far back as 1945 and found two storms A cat 3 in 1983 Alicia and in 1949 an unnamed Cat 4 storm

The Weathergeeks said...

I'm starting to wonder if a major disaster isn't about to befall the U.S. The track for Ike keeps inching toward Houston - and they need to start evacuating now. Unfortunately, I'm sure people still remember the Rita evacuation, and how most of the weather passed to their north. But this one is different since Ike keeps inching from their south. They will be on the worst side of the storm regardless. At least it looks like most of the oil and gas platforms have evacuated. One site you might want to watch closely is

With the Shell/NOAA agreement, Shell will keep Station 42361 - Auger - Garden Banks 426 this
Fixed Drilling Platform at
27.550 N 92.490 W reporting meteorological observations even if the rig is evacuated.


The Weathergeeks said...

Joe, I've gotta ask, why did you pick Gulf Shores/Pensacola for Ike's landfall?


WeatherWorks by Joe said...

I picked Gulf Shore/Pensacola at the time thinking Ika was going to be making a northern turn while he was near Cuba. I don't trust historical data and at the time the models were looking at a possible turn.

sciencegal said...

Joe - Welcome to our blog - where opinions that are contrary to ours are welcome! We added a link to your blog from ours...
