Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Latest FUNKTOP Enhancement of "IKE"

I was just looking at the latest imagery, including the Funktop curve (anyone know what the heck that is?), and it does appear that Ike's center has reformed a bit to the north/right of the track. Hmmmm.



The Weathergeeks said...

Well, I looked on the web for a definition of FUNKTOP but could not find references other than links to the actual FUNKTOP enhancements. Best I can tell is it is an enhancement of the upper level clouds shown in really FUNKY colors LOL How's that for a scientific explanation. BB ought to be able to tell us. What say you BB?


The Weathergeeks said...

Funktop enhancement - developed by Ted Funk for assistance with Precipitation analysis using Infrared Channel 4 - or Satellite Enhancement developed while listening to the song "Funkytown."

Ted Funk is a meteorologist at the Louisville, KY NWS WFO. Now he is famous...


kb said...

that made me laugh...